Executive Recruitment
& Career Solutions
JWoods & Associates is an executive recruitment, placement, consulting and career advancement firm with two divisions: JWoodsExecs and JWoodsCareerBranding.
We are located in Seattle and South Florida and serve the Natural Products Industry, higher education institutions and non-profits.
Janet L. Woods, PhD
W | 425.313.3098 |
M | 206.972.3699 |
F | 425.313.1928 |
info@jwoodsassociates.com |
![]() “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” - Vince Lombardi WELCOMECareer Advancement is our passion. At JWoodsCareerBranding, career dreams can be fulfilled. Whether you are in the natural products industry, higher education or lead a non-profit organization, we help you identify and market your personal brand to employers, colleagues and industry leaders. Our goal is to assist you in taking charge and managing your career advancement goals. We help you position your career achievements, job responsibilities, and leadership skills so you have a clear and compelling brand to present. Our success involves dedication to candidates and accountability with our services. You aren't another resume in our files, you are a valuable asset, and we work with you to get that message across to employers and industry leaders. We use our career coaching expertise plus our job search strategies to help with your career success. Executive recruiting in the natural products industry and non-profits arena is just one professional service provided by JWoods & Associates. JWoodsCareerBranding is a division of JWoods & Associates, a full service executive recruitment, placement, consulting and career development firm with locations in Seattle and South Florida. Our executive recruitment site detailing the hiring and consulting solutions that we provide is found at www.JWoodsExecs.com. MISSIONJWoodsCareerBranding delivers high quality career advancement and career branding strategies to top performing candidates through a spirit of teamwork, creative solutions, honesty and integrity. INDUSTRY NICHENATURAL PRODUCTS INDUSTRY NATURAL PRODUCTS INDUSTRY
Food & Nutrition Health & Wellness Health & Beauty Beverages Natural Medicine Pet Products Functions:
Marketing Communications Operations Education Sales Human Resources Training & Development Levels:
Senior Executives Vice Presidents Directors Managers NON-PROFITS NON-PROFITS
Youth & Family Services Civic Organizations Foundations Functions:
Marketing Communications Fund Raising Operations Programs Advancement Non-Academic Staff Board Training Levels:
Vice President Executive Director SERVICES INCLUDE:
GOALSOur goals are clear. We:
EMPLOYERS AND EXECUTIVE RECRUITER STRATEGIESEmployers and executive recruiters aggressively search for top performers. They are not likely to post senior- level positions on job boards because they don’t want to be overwhelmed with hundreds of unqualified candidates. Their strategy is to network and ask for referrals so they can make direct contact with a prospective candidate. By the time the potential candidate has been contacted, they may be pre-qualified to move forward in the recruitment process based upon the comments and insights of the referral. This means that the prospective candidate must be prepared for that call and feel proud to have been considered. However, it also means the candidate must have an updated resume and a clear vision of their career goals so the journey they are about to begin is a rewarding one. COMPETITIVE TACTICSThere is a War for Top Performing Talent going on in the job market. High-performance individuals who have a track record for adding value to their organization are recognized as professional leaders. They are sought by employers and executive recruiters. Their resumes are not placed on job boards. So, if you are serious about winning in the job market, call us today to discuss the best strategies to move you ahead on your career path. HIRING CRISISAn employer's priorities are their mission, market leadership, employee talent pool, resources and their bottom-line revenues. According to a yearlong study by McKinsey & Co. involving 77 companies and almost 600 executives, there is a War for Talent underway. This War for Talent is based on: a retiring baby-boomer workforce; increased international competition; a smaller 25 to 35-year old work force; a larger unqualified candidate pool; a highly mobile workforce; a tight labor market; organizational downsizing. As such, talented professionals are heavily recruited and others are left on the sidelines. Given this War for Talent, professionals who want to advance in their career must design a career plan. They must be the architect of their destiny. To compete in this job market, you must decide whether you want to be the master of your own destiny or a victim of circumstances. The list below contains just a few of your options.
Decide now to take charge of your career! Partner with us! The successes and rewards are just around the corner. |